id required to vote
Photo & Signature ID Required
You will be asked to show a photo and signature identification when you go to the polls to vote. Acceptable forms of identification include:
- Florida Drivers License
- Florida Identification Card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
- United States passport
- Debit or credit card
- Military identification
- Student identification
- Retirement center identification
- Neighborhood association identification
- Public assistance identification
- Concealed weapons permit issued by the State of Florida
- Veteran's Affairs health insurance card
- Employee identification card issued by a government agency
All forms of identification listed above must be current. Expired ID's will not be accepted. Out-of-state driver's licenses will not be accepted.
Without proper identification, a voter must vote a provisional ballot.
in-person Voting Tips:
- Early voting is available prior to each countywide election. View the early voting schedule and locations here: Early Voting
- Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. You must vote in your assigned Election Day precinct voting location on Election Day. Use our Precinct Finder to search by residential address and find your precinct.
- Bring your sample ballot with you to use as a guide.
- If you need assistance in marking your ballot, please inform the election poll worker.
- If you make a mistake when voting, ask for a replacement ballot. You may receive up to two replacements, or a total of three ballots.
- If your eligibility to vote cannot be determined, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot.
Where do I vote on Election Day? Use our Precinct Finder to search by address and find your assigned polling place.